Random images from my flickr stream...



fRiEndSHiP ~-+= Simple or complicated

Back again with somethings to write.. with some thoughts to share and with some to ponder upon.... A few questions that i am thinking about over and over again... ~ Why would you like to be selfless in a relationship? Any for that matter.. not particularly a boy-friend/girl-friend one.. be it two friends, brother sister anything... the question can also be put a li'il differently too.. why would you be selfish at sometimes and completely selfless at some other time...

~ I am wondering these days as to what does it take to keep a friend with you for life... i mean does that need some extra efforts to have friends... if this is true friendship wouldn't the other person know about your state of mind.. would (s)he not understand the priorities in your life...now these are expectations from me... and if they do not understand then they are not being friends.. and if i do not able to give anytime to them.. then i am not being a friend.. i think one of the two will come up to expectations (often unsaid) and the other would compromise (understood but not explicitely mentioned again).. i think this is what will happen when you are with a true friend..

i want to know and understand the term friendship.. what do you need to be a good friend.. wht do you do when you have a friend, who starts expecting things out of you and you are not in a position to fulfill them... leads to a heartbreak and a distance amongst friends...

I want to understand what happens if one of your friends who claims that he is the best friend that you ever had... is very obviously not happy with your growth.. and stops all communication with time...

i want to understand !!!

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