Random images from my flickr stream...



semi {c} SoMe MoNeY MaKiNg...

I know that there are a lot of very serious bloggers, who write and read a lot... and i always used to wonder where exactly they get the time to do this from?

I find it tough to manage my time after i am done with my office and the everyday photoshop playing around...

and then i found out that i could make money blogging.... well i do not not see it as a problem... if things work out fine..i might just earn enough money to take care of my fotography expenses every month !!!

Oh, and how i mentioned about buying those silver bricks and coins and stuff.. i found out that there is something different that you could buy as well... Buy Silver Bullion... for those who do not know what a bullion is.. click here to find out...


  1. Someone's going to be a little RICH, eh?

  2. not really rich... just trying to get some money to take care of my rolls and the developing part...

    anything more is good enough :)

  3. @ aqui...
    minting nai maidam... just getting enough to take care of my photo expenses.

    and its not number of clicks... you might like to click on of the links in this post to understand it better...
