A few days ago, I was wondering that evening, how would it feel to be inside one of those cars...
the biiiiiiig, black beast... or should we say the beauty...
and i laughed the thought off saying that the police walas in the UK drive this.. cheap ones :D
Li'il did I know that God Uncle had planned a nice surprise for me... for when I got out of the airport today in London, my car was a BMW 550D
and all i could say was wow !!! loved that one hour drive in the baby...
for people who don't know the car...
This is the same car that is featured in the POWER ad for HP...
and a few pictures...
I met Alan, the landlord, who seems to be a very warm and helpful guy... and then Hue who is a photography freak himself and shoots on transparencies and negatives...
Yet to meet the rest of the people in the house... living with all firangies should be a different experience... hindi mein baat karne ko koi nai hoga lekin :( lets see...
Also went out for a walk.. it was nice and chilly... i can see where this weather is going from here... i am sure i will love it...
I saw a movie called Evan Almighty today in the flight... remembered a few lines from it... would like to write them down so that i can come back to them...
When you ask God for courage, he does not give you courage but an opportunity to show courage...
When you ask God for love, he does not give you love, but an opportunity to be loved...
and so on...
God bless...
and thank you God for being so nice to me and giving me so many opportunities... and I love you...
Random images from my flickr stream...
चाय की दुकान इसपेसल्स ( Chai Ki Dukaan Specials)
Variety is the spice of life they say... but when it comes to buying jeans... i cannot like anything other than the regular blues and the blacks...
and at the same time, i see people wearing all sorts of strange colors with graffity, paint work, and what not these days...
Talking about jeans.. is the jeans who hold girls better in them now? or do the girls these days actually are in such amazing shape which jeans accentuate? no idea... but something has happened for sure...
oh.. and i bought a pepe finally again... i remember my two favorite pairs were a levis 501 button fly and the pepe comfort fit... both of them retired after they literally gave up... but i loved them...
and i need to be back in shape too... the tummy is crying for help... and me for some motivation... huh... aise to nai chalega !!!
and at the same time, i see people wearing all sorts of strange colors with graffity, paint work, and what not these days...
Talking about jeans.. is the jeans who hold girls better in them now? or do the girls these days actually are in such amazing shape which jeans accentuate? no idea... but something has happened for sure...
oh.. and i bought a pepe finally again... i remember my two favorite pairs were a levis 501 button fly and the pepe comfort fit... both of them retired after they literally gave up... but i loved them...
and i need to be back in shape too... the tummy is crying for help... and me for some motivation... huh... aise to nai chalega !!!
a friend, when not needed...
Please leave me alone, I want to be with myself...
But at least tell me what happened...
No, its nothing, but i need time for myself...
Ok, whatever !!!
and this is how a lot of our conversations end... But what we fail to realise that its time like these when our friends probably don't need a "ok whatever" but an assurance that you are around in case needed...
so next time you get into a situation like this.. all you need to do is tell your friend that you are around...
But at least tell me what happened...
No, its nothing, but i need time for myself...
Ok, whatever !!!
and this is how a lot of our conversations end... But what we fail to realise that its time like these when our friends probably don't need a "ok whatever" but an assurance that you are around in case needed...
so next time you get into a situation like this.. all you need to do is tell your friend that you are around...
tring tring...
Busy day at office... no time to think about life outside... and a phone call breaks the silence...
on the other end is a voice that has sparks, that has smiles, that has happiness...
and it just managed to flow through !!!
still a busy day at office, no time to think about life outside... but this time.. a few smiles keep me company...
on the other end is a voice that has sparks, that has smiles, that has happiness...
and it just managed to flow through !!!
still a busy day at office, no time to think about life outside... but this time.. a few smiles keep me company...
Optics come at a Cost...

Its been a while I have been thinking... and i guess i have finally decided that I want to spend about 1,50,000 INR for my camera equipment...
no I am not going to do that overnight or in the next 3 months or 6... i mean i don't really know... but i guess i know which direction to look in... i guess thats important for photography :P
have a look... i have been looking at these pictures for sometime now... and i wish i can have them sometime..
that pushes the bike down the list for sure... lens needs to come before the bullet... aargh... why don't i have enough money?
toosh says...
I don't understand over 80% (randomly generated numerator divided by a randomly generated denominator and multiplied by 100) of what Tushar writes on his blog...
he happens to be a great friend... probably because after all these years... he has always been around even thought we differ in our thoughts and way of life... yaari dosti taaza maaza...
yesterday he wrote something that i really wanted to be told... whatever triggered that post of his, is not important to me... but the fact is...
"there is a lot of difference in loving someone and asking someone to love you"
yea yea... i am writing about relationships and love and all that these days... i know... one of those months i guess when this thought is on the hot seat MTV style... i am going to back soon with the usual set of stuff around...
mast likha hai tushar...
oh and yes...
Lets not circumference our abilities :D or something like that ;)
i write it first i guess :D
he happens to be a great friend... probably because after all these years... he has always been around even thought we differ in our thoughts and way of life... yaari dosti taaza maaza...
yesterday he wrote something that i really wanted to be told... whatever triggered that post of his, is not important to me... but the fact is...
"there is a lot of difference in loving someone and asking someone to love you"
yea yea... i am writing about relationships and love and all that these days... i know... one of those months i guess when this thought is on the hot seat MTV style... i am going to back soon with the usual set of stuff around...
mast likha hai tushar...
oh and yes...
Lets not circumference our abilities :D or something like that ;)
i write it first i guess :D
चाय की दुकान का शटर

Welcome to the new look चाय की दुकान...
The shutter got a new paint work... and it i feel looks better now :)
Thanks Sharanya for the help yesterday... It would have been tougher without you :)
i think that i think i thought
One of my friends wrote a very interesting post sometime back about being alone... and loving it...
I guess I fall into that category of people who have been on their own without really needing anyone around, for a long time time now...
When mom talks about getting married, I ask her why should I get married? and she would tell me, that its good to have someone around you... to come back to.. and my answer, and trust me an honest one, for about 2 years now, was I don't need anyone to come back home to... I am happy this way... i don't have to answer any questions, I live my life one day at a time, with ofcourse some plans to buy the new camera lenses, or how would i manage to get the Pajero I have my eyes on for a very long time... but then this is where and how it has been... a few close friends have also questioned me about this so called full of myself, selfish and insensitive attitude... but then again... i said so what.. this is my life and I decide how i want to live it.. not anyone else...
oh.. and by the way I manage to fix the rear speakers in my car today... the rear speakers had some wires loose... and it took me about an hour to take everything out and then clean the wires up and put everything back in... i mean just the wires... but it is silk smooth again... and the bass tube is back in... i can now reopen the discotheque inside my car :D... oh.. and yes you are welcome for a drive around...
par no smoking and daru inside the car please... its a restricted zone...
ok.. back to what i was talking about... so my life has been revolving around a few things for a few years... work... photography, which i started taking seriously sometime back, my car and parents... thats it... a few friends have been around during all these times when i have not talked to them for weeks at length... or told them about what i have been thinking and whats happening at my side of the phone, or the screen or whatever...
and today i thought... what if i am thinking about only myself when i am needed? what if i don't even figure that out that i should have been around someone who was looking at me... not for anything else but for just being there... what if i loose someone because i needed time off from everything when they should have had my time? scary... not for the whole world, but when it comes to a few ppl i care for...
i guess i am on my way to do a balancing act... from one extreme towards a better ground... and reaching an equilibrium...
oh.. and thanks to the duck in the picture.. who gave me the idea :) she is a darling...
I guess I fall into that category of people who have been on their own without really needing anyone around, for a long time time now...
When mom talks about getting married, I ask her why should I get married? and she would tell me, that its good to have someone around you... to come back to.. and my answer, and trust me an honest one, for about 2 years now, was I don't need anyone to come back home to... I am happy this way... i don't have to answer any questions, I live my life one day at a time, with ofcourse some plans to buy the new camera lenses, or how would i manage to get the Pajero I have my eyes on for a very long time... but then this is where and how it has been... a few close friends have also questioned me about this so called full of myself, selfish and insensitive attitude... but then again... i said so what.. this is my life and I decide how i want to live it.. not anyone else...
oh.. and by the way I manage to fix the rear speakers in my car today... the rear speakers had some wires loose... and it took me about an hour to take everything out and then clean the wires up and put everything back in... i mean just the wires... but it is silk smooth again... and the bass tube is back in... i can now reopen the discotheque inside my car :D... oh.. and yes you are welcome for a drive around...
par no smoking and daru inside the car please... its a restricted zone...
ok.. back to what i was talking about... so my life has been revolving around a few things for a few years... work... photography, which i started taking seriously sometime back, my car and parents... thats it... a few friends have been around during all these times when i have not talked to them for weeks at length... or told them about what i have been thinking and whats happening at my side of the phone, or the screen or whatever...
and today i thought... what if i am thinking about only myself when i am needed? what if i don't even figure that out that i should have been around someone who was looking at me... not for anything else but for just being there... what if i loose someone because i needed time off from everything when they should have had my time? scary... not for the whole world, but when it comes to a few ppl i care for...
i guess i am on my way to do a balancing act... from one extreme towards a better ground... and reaching an equilibrium...
oh.. and thanks to the duck in the picture.. who gave me the idea :) she is a darling...

Balancing Act..., originally uploaded by ~OM~ ॐ "FoTo-SoFiCaL" Bhardwaj.
We all gotta balance.... some just find new ways of doing it....
I am happy... very...
God has always been kind to me... and whenever I have wanted something real bad I got it... I am not sure the wishes of people who care for me help, or my parents faith in my capabilities helped, or my efforts helped, or was it a mix of everything...
I wanted a camera real bad... Gaurav Srivastava at that time came back from Japan, we visited Chandni Chawk one day and got my first SLR, the Canon 3000v...
I started talking to Bindiya about how i want to be different and not click the usual buildings and flowers... and she said that I could participate in ASK's initiatives... but i said that I would do it when I would get my dSLR...
I was hoping to get a dSLR, and my slr conked of leaving me without a camera for about 3 months and then Gaurav Narang, another friend, got me my first dSLR, the Canon 400D from Hongkong...
Moradabad happened and went and clicked... and go appreciated for the work i did there... happiness :) unlimited...
and then Bindiya told me about the DGF Photocontest, and i forgot, and then she pestered me to submit my entry... I managed to do that on the last day of the competition hoping that i will get in the top ten...
I did manage it to the top ten and then win the competition too... A small but firm start for me... and a lot of happiness and satisfaction as well...
And today, an article, which is a result of my conversation with one of the ladies in DGF is up on their website... and I am feeling really good about it...
Should i say again.. God is kind to me... Whenever i need it... I get it.. whatever it might be...
Thank you God..
Thank you ma papa...
Thank you Bindiya...
Thank you everyone who voted, got me votes, or saw the poll...
and thank you everyone who cares...

You might want to read the article HERE..
I wanted a camera real bad... Gaurav Srivastava at that time came back from Japan, we visited Chandni Chawk one day and got my first SLR, the Canon 3000v...
I started talking to Bindiya about how i want to be different and not click the usual buildings and flowers... and she said that I could participate in ASK's initiatives... but i said that I would do it when I would get my dSLR...
I was hoping to get a dSLR, and my slr conked of leaving me without a camera for about 3 months and then Gaurav Narang, another friend, got me my first dSLR, the Canon 400D from Hongkong...
Moradabad happened and went and clicked... and go appreciated for the work i did there... happiness :) unlimited...
and then Bindiya told me about the DGF Photocontest, and i forgot, and then she pestered me to submit my entry... I managed to do that on the last day of the competition hoping that i will get in the top ten...
I did manage it to the top ten and then win the competition too... A small but firm start for me... and a lot of happiness and satisfaction as well...
And today, an article, which is a result of my conversation with one of the ladies in DGF is up on their website... and I am feeling really good about it...
Should i say again.. God is kind to me... Whenever i need it... I get it.. whatever it might be...
Thank you God..
Thank you ma papa...
Thank you Bindiya...
Thank you everyone who voted, got me votes, or saw the poll...
and thank you everyone who cares...
You might want to read the article HERE..
This took me a while to make... but it was nice collecting the shells and then making my favorite symbol and my favorite sound in the universe...
For all these hours when i was making this, I did not think about anything else... strange how some things can bring you peace...
its funny...
I am not in the right frame of mind... i guess i have just lost it !!!
the last few days.. i have seen myself behaving irrationally, too emotionally, irratically, stupidly, and what the fkk not... where did the all so practical, with a head on his shoulders guy go?
its strange to be someone who i told a lot of people not to be !!!
Prashant beta kya kar rahe ho.. saara gyan baant diya khud ke kuch bhi nai rakha...
ab bhugto...
in case you read it and have an opinion... hold on to it for a while... or write to me personally... am deliberately disabling comments on this post...
the last few days.. i have seen myself behaving irrationally, too emotionally, irratically, stupidly, and what the fkk not... where did the all so practical, with a head on his shoulders guy go?
its strange to be someone who i told a lot of people not to be !!!
Prashant beta kya kar rahe ho.. saara gyan baant diya khud ke kuch bhi nai rakha...
ab bhugto...
in case you read it and have an opinion... hold on to it for a while... or write to me personally... am deliberately disabling comments on this post...
white light...
The Glass Windows of my room rattling every few seconds...
i can see a lot of white light outside... coming on every few seconds...
and then i hear a loud... rather very very loud roar of the clouds...
and again the windows rattle...
i can see a lot of white light outside... coming on every few seconds...
and then i hear a loud... rather very very loud roar of the clouds...
and again the windows rattle...
Chai ki Dukaan....
I hope to collect these shots and keep them here... for my chai ki dukaan whenever it opens :)
Prashant Bhardwaj of INDIA
I won my first Photo Competition !!!!

And I am delighted :) totally...
Thanks to everyone who voted for me and helped me get votes...
Click here to
Many thanks to Bindiya, Aqeel, and ASK for the opportunity to click in Moradabad... If I had not clicked in the Sankalp Centres this picture would never have been there...
And I am delighted :) totally...
Thanks to everyone who voted for me and helped me get votes...
Click here to
Many thanks to Bindiya, Aqeel, and ASK for the opportunity to click in Moradabad... If I had not clicked in the Sankalp Centres this picture would never have been there...
Its a li'il discomforting when you know that there is a friend who is away from you and is bothered about something and you just cannot do anything about it...
this is when the technological marvels like Email, phones, text messages really don't make much of a difference... all you want to do is sit next to the person and just be there... irrespective of there being a conversation or not...
what adds to the lack of comfort is when your friend chooses to keep you away from the thoughts of the moment...
distance is such a pain at times...
this is when the technological marvels like Email, phones, text messages really don't make much of a difference... all you want to do is sit next to the person and just be there... irrespective of there being a conversation or not...
what adds to the lack of comfort is when your friend chooses to keep you away from the thoughts of the moment...
distance is such a pain at times...
Letting it flow...
Tushar says Let it flow...
I think he is right...
i planned for something to happen in the next three weeks... its not happening now... it needs to be deferred...
i am letting it flow...
God uncle you reading this post, right? I am sure you know what you are doing... it better be for good !!!
I think he is right...
i planned for something to happen in the next three weeks... its not happening now... it needs to be deferred...
i am letting it flow...
God uncle you reading this post, right? I am sure you know what you are doing... it better be for good !!!
Writing the Future
Sometime ago, I submitted three of my pictures for an online photo competition organised by Development Gateway Foundation depicting social economic development in developing countries....
One of these pictures made to the final ten of the competition and now its upto the number of votes which decides the winner...
so go check this link out...

Visit the page... have a look at the pictures and vote for my picture :)
My picture is titled "Writing the Future"
million thanks to Bindiya for telling me about this competition and pestering me to submit the pictures.... thanks darling...
One of these pictures made to the final ten of the competition and now its upto the number of votes which decides the winner...
so go check this link out...

Visit the page... have a look at the pictures and vote for my picture :)
My picture is titled "Writing the Future"
million thanks to Bindiya for telling me about this competition and pestering me to submit the pictures.... thanks darling...
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