Random images from my flickr stream...



Cribs United...

Everyone has something or the other to crib or protest about...
Lets start with me...

Not having enough zoom with me to click what i want to ... the 55 mm stops me from what i really want to capture... I should get this crib out of my system this Saturday hopefully...

Gurjars in Rajasthan and other parts of Delhi, Haryana, and UP about their non inclusion in the ST category

The general public about the inconvenience because of the all these protests... Traffic jams, burnt buses, injured people... all for what?

The Sikhs about how the Dera Sachcha Sauda Guru dressed up like Guru Gobind Singh... huh !!!

And now the Akal Takht not accepting the apology released by Dera... oh man... is there some format that you want the damn apology in?

One of my friends not being able to get enough of her new relationship... she got into it and is now thinking that it was a quick decision.. she should have waited for a li'il more time...

The world is funny... and I am now only getting amused by a lot of things happening... which is in whatever time i can get from an almost 15 hour work schedule I have...
oh... do you have a crib today? lets read it...


Story Time....

Nisha was madly in love with Aakash... she even told her parents... and Aakash told his parents too... they were not too happy, but then if the kids wanted it this way they had li'il to say but to agree with them...

But then Nisha and Aakash grew apart.... and the relationship did not work out... today both of them know each other... talk to each other... and are great friends...

So are they idiots to give up on such a great friendship turning into a life long relationship or are they mature people who understand where things lack and accept them this way?

Nandini always wanted John to ask her out... he did... they dated for a few weeks before they slept together... Nandini loved that night... John was happy too... and the sleeping together part repeated a number of times, before one day someone told Nandini that John was married and his wife was pregnant... Nandini was heartbroken... she did not know how to react to this... it took her sometime to accept the fact, and when she did, she also confronted John who agreed that he was married, but he could not let her go either...

No conversations followed for a long while, before one day john asked her out again... and they slept together...

Now, is John a bastard or is Nandini only wants to get laid?

Ansh was in love... and then he was in love again... and then the third time he was in love, he got married.... there was no one at the marriage function... only a few friends... minus a few old ones as well... no parents, no relatives nothing...

And he sends out this email to all his friends after he gets married with the pictures of his marriage...

So how should the friends who thought they were friends think?
He took an immature decision to take away the dream of arranging for a marriage function of their only son from his parents? or did he do the right thing by following his heart?

Moving Along...

Its not easy to keep all our stuff packed in one bag... and keep moving around...

Waking up at 7 in the morning with a long list of tasks that need to be completed in the day... there is that hope that you will be able to do it, but at the same time the reality check reminds you that its not possible...

And finally when you drop dead on the bed around midnight... you only sleep with the same list modified... some things added... some removed...

Its been a roller-coaster of sorts in the last one month... not sure if I am enjoying it all, but i feel this is something that should have happened to me a good couple of years earlier... but then no complaints... lets learn it late, but learn it fast...

My life today is challenging me to almost its limits... and there is a lot that i have gotta prove to myself...

God Bless me...


Talking to Myself...

My level of expectations is really low...

And that has how i have grown, over a period of time...

And as of today, the only person i expect anything from is ME...

I fail to understand a lot of times, why i do not come upto expectations of a few people around me...
is that because i am insensitive?
is that because i do not care?
is that because i have too much full of myself?

or is that because i am less dependent on people around me?

oh... i have not really written this post to look for answers for myself from people... its more of an personal post... please feel free to drop a comment... no gyan please though...


Breaking News...

" The Crime rate has actually increased after the BPOs came into picture... My parents are usually scared and keep calling me to see if I am ok."


Who the hell is she to comment on the Crime Rate and BPOs... If people feel that BPOs add to the crime rate, they are free to get lost...

And our media is to be blamed equally... one single incident in a BPO suddenly raises question marks on the security of the lakhs of people who work in the entire industry... Are they nuts or something... Do they even know what people in BPO at all levels go through to earn a decent living... i feel its one of the toughest things to work in a BPO , and for the interested it can teach you things which NO other industry would ever teach you..

Oh.. and then there are people who say, " The Security should be revamped in all the DAMN companies... its a cause of concern."

Where does the security feeling go when you go out partying late nights and tell your parents that you have been working? And how do they blame the BPO for it?

There was another dude who said, " My parents get worried, if i reach home an hour late... And no one gets worried when he himself goes out drinking and goes home at whatever time he wants...

We either do not speak up in front of the camera or we take responsibility with the words that we are using... and the idiotic News Channel guys should be sensible enough to show what makes a difference, instead of showing the crap that they do....

Oh... and if you do not it already... Someone took a revolver inside the HCL BPO office in NOIDA and shot a collegue....

Media and some idiots who talk on the camera... Wah re prabhu... Ajab teri Duniya...



I don't know why, but I was reminded of a few people... I guess was trying to break away from the very very hard work routine and landed in the past...

Ankur Agarwal
Sayantani Das Gupta
Richa Bhardwaj
Rohit Talwar
Amit Khanna
Vanja Dogra
Akash Gupta

All of them have a story associated with them... Laughter, Pain, Anger etc etc etc

Not really sure if I want all of them to be blessed, but then... whatever should happen would happen....

Lets get back to work dude... there is not much time before its midnight.....


Growing.... Yes, I am...

Bangalore has been fair to me... not too much traffic so far.... did not take more then 45 minutes to reach office... but the painful part has been the cab drivers... they drive as if there is no tomorrow... very very unsafe and rash...

After traveling with strange drivers for about 4 times, i finally had a driver who was calm and drove nicely... For the first time, I was comfortable at the back seat.... and a short conversation with him is worth a mention here...

Driver : Sir, what is your designation in Infosys?
Me: Consultant

I am thinking I know where this conversation is headed towards....

A Pause of about 5 minutes...

Driver : Sir, BSc. or B.Com.?
Me : B.Sc.

I was now thinking, this is definitely leading to a gyan session on what is better, engineering or accounts and what kind of money can people earn and so on and so forth...

Long Pause...

Driver: My daughter is also in Infosys for about 4 months now. She has done her B.Sc. Computer Science....


Its been good so far..... enjoyed my Saturday and Sunday...

and i do not have a clue of how to get some proper sleep this week.... too hectic.... not too bad though....


Off 2 Bangalooru...

Off to Banglore tonight... equipped with the camera and a need to click...
Lets see what can i manage in two days I have off-work there...

Any suggestions about what all can I catch up with in Banglore, the city of traffic, over the weekend?


Learning Growing Managing...

Things have been kinda different, strange, scary, unexpected, tough, hectic in the last few days... and I am looking for new ways to destress myself... and one of the newer things that I tried was reading quotes...
Had a Reader's Digest with me... that helped... and then Bloglines Quotes Feed pitched in too...
Here are a few that I really liked...
"When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers."
Oscar Wilde
"Ambition is a poor excuse for not having sense enough to be lazy."
Edger Bergen
And here are a few I liked from RD.... some of them seem so apt to me...
"Having to explain it means you probably shouldn't have said it."
Cary Clock
"Hot Heads and Cold Hearts never solved anything."
Billy Graham
"The formula for a successfull relationship is simple: Treat all disasters as trivialities, but never treat a triviality as if it were a disaster."
Quentin Crisp

"Its just like Magic. When you live by yourself, all of your annoying habits are gone."
Merril Markoe